Nettle iron tonic

nettle iron tonicThis nettle iron tonic is a fantastic remedy if you suffer from low iron levels. Nettle is incredibly rich in Iron and makes an excellent blood tonic. It is also great for asthma, excema, hayfever and arthritis.

How to make

Simply collect some nettle heads, chop up some un-sulphured apricots, add the zest of an orange (for Vit C) and add a bottle of 12-14% red wine! Shake daily for 2 weeks then take 1-2 dessert spoons once daily! See how you get on with this fantastic remedy!

Nettle tea is used to improve heart action, for headaches and for any internal bleeding. Nettle is said to be extremely beneficial for the kidneys, being useful in expelling gravel from the bladder and dissolving kidney stones.

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