Did you know that in 1841 Prince Albert (Queen Victoria’s husband) decorated this tree with lights at Christmas introducing an old German custom.
It is also used in the construction of violins, mandolins and guitars.
The world’s oldest living individual clonal tree, Old Tjikko, is a Norway Spruce aged at 9550 years old.
What to know before you pick it and make your hot toddy!
- The needles are stiff & pointed.
- They have a white line on each ‘side’.
- The needles are squarish in shape.
- If crushed they give of a rich, sweet smell
How to make a Norway Spruce hot toddy
It’s quick and easy to make and adds a great twist to a traditional hot toddy!
- 1l water
- 1 twig Norway spruce
- Star anise
- Black pepper
- Juniper berries
- Cloves
- Honey
- Lime
- Brandy
What to do:
- Throw all the ingredients into a pan
- Bring to the boil for 15 minutes for the flavours to infuse

Close up of Norway Spruce twig with needles
- Add the brandy at the end
- Drink and enjoy
A few words of warning and rules:
- Some plants and fungi are poisonous, so if you are not 100% certain that your identification is correct – DO NOT EAT IT.
- Avoid foraging where agricultural sprays or vehicle pollution may have contaminated produce.
- Always stay on Rights of Way unless you have the permission from the landowner to leave them.
- Picking nuts, berries, leaves etc. is permitted on Rights of Way, but the uprooting of any wild plants is illegal without the landowner’s permission.
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